Saturday, June 29, 2013

Things that go "Bug" in the night.

      It’s another beautiful day in Sunny Arizona. I sat down to write last night trying to come up with something interesting and meaningful to say, when an idea fell into my lap. I let out a very un-adult like yelp when it did, too.  If you’ve never experienced a centipede falling into your lap late at night I envy you, it’ll undoubtedly get your heart racing and make going to bed an adventure as you search the dark corners of the room for creepy crawlies. This guy was about six or eight inches long and ugly orange with a bit of yellowish thrown in just for good measure. I have no idea if he was venomous but I knew I didn’t want him in my house, near my family or pets. I didn’t want to kill him, so I grabbed a jar, scooped him up with a combination of terror and forced bravery and let him go across the street in a patch of undeveloped desert.
            This isn’t the first time we’ve had surprise visitors in our house.  When my son was fifteen he went to go lie down in bed for the night.   It had been raining most of the day and was very humid. As he put his feet under the covers he felt a sharp pain in his foot and let out a semi-panicked “Mom, Dad!”  When I rushed to his room I saw a little brown scorpion crawling around the end of his bed. Apparently my son had disturbed it while it was trying to sleep in a nice comfortable bed. After rushing him to the ER,  we were told by a very annoyed nurse to give him Benadryl and not worry about the sting; it wasn’t poisonous unless he was allergic to them and he wouldn’t lose any appendages.
            Living in the desert you get to see all kinds of beautiful and sometimes scary critters. From Vinegaroons  ( for those who don’t know what they are) to tarantulas, black widows to killer bees, and any number of pests will lead you to believe that mother nature has it out for you for living in the desert.  But there is beauty here as well. Saguaro, which only grow in this part of the world, gorgeous sunsets and multitudes of cactus flowers, not to mention the incredible array of birds and wildlife that call the desert home. I wouldn’t trade any of this beauty for anything.
            I bring this up because when you’re buying a house you need to be aware of what kinds of creepy crawlies and critters could invade your home, and also need to keep the number to a good exterminator handy. If you don’t know one, give us a call, we have one we work with exclusively that is great!
            As always if you’re looking for a home to call your own, you can call Tim or Gayle Kendrick at 602-819-6300, see us on our website on visit on Facebook at or see our blog at